第二个十年是打基础的十年,分水岭是2011年接收大良实验小学、2013年接收龙江实验学校和龙江实验幼儿园,我们意识到拔萃已成为一个全学段、成建制的现代企业集团,需要一套适合我们的管理系统,我们建立起拔萃CIM体系,C是Culture system文化系统,I是Institution system制度系统,M是management执行系统,三大系统间相互作用,螺旋上升,成为拔萃的方法论。在拔萃CIM体系的加持下,我们成功开办伦教拔萃实验幼儿园、陈村拔萃实验学校,服务板块开疆辟土,业务覆盖近80个城市,今天,乐萃谷,全国最大的民营体艺教育综合体盛大开业。
Today, as we embark on a new chapter as a listed company, we have set three main objectives:
1. Fostering Growth: We open doors to top talent, get trust in customers, and diversify funding channels. These elements combined are the foundation for our continued growth and expansion.
2. Innovation and Sustainability: With access to a broader range of financial resources, we’re better equipped to fuel innovation and secure our company’s long-term sustainability.
3. Shareholder Prosperity: Our commitment is delivering value to our shareholders by dividends and share price appreciation, ensuring they share in our success.